SEARCH Articles Figures Tables 1.3- Sigmatropic proton shifts Acetylene chemical shifts, proton Acetylenic protons, chemical shifts Aldehyde protons chemical shift Alkanes proton chemical shifts Alkenes proton chemical shifts Amide proton chemical shift changes Amide-proton chemical shift Amines protonation shifts Aniline protons, relative shifts Arenes proton chemical shifts Aromatic compounds proton chemical shifts Aromatic protons chemical shifts Axial protons chemical shifts Benzene attached protons, chemical shift values Benzoic acid proton shifts Calculation of proton chemical shifts Carbon comparison with proton shifts Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance protonation shifts Chemical Shift Equivalent and Nonequivalent Protons Chemical shift in proton NMR Chemical shift of protons Chemical shift proton Chemical shift proton resonance assignment Chemical shift protonation Chemical shift, carbon proton Chemical shift, proton, standard Chemical shifts alkyne protons Chemical shifts methane protons Chemical shifts proton nuclear magnetic resonance Chemical shifts rings proton Chemical shifts, NMR for protons Correlation table proton chemical shift values Cyclic ring systems proton chemical shifts Deuterated solvents proton chemical shifts Deuterium isotope effects, chemical shifts proton transfer Deuterium isotope effects, chemical shifts proton transfer equilibrium Equatorial protons chemical shifts Factors that Influence Proton Shifts G Chemical Shifts and Multiplicities of Residual Protons in Commercially Available Deuterated Solvents H-NMR Chemical Shifts of Protons Adjacent to Nitrogen Hyperfine-shifted proton resonances Hyperfine-shifted proton resonances chemical shifts Hyperfine-shifted proton resonances contact shifts Hyperfine-shifted proton resonances deoxy Hyperfine-shifted proton resonances exchangeable, deoxy Hyperfine-shifted proton resonances ferrous Intramolecular -proton shift Involving a proton shift Isotropic proton chemical shift Isotropic proton chemical shift couplings Lanthanide complexes, proton chemical shifts Magnetic field effects proton chemical shifts Measuring coupling constants proton chemical shift values Methine protons chemical shift Methoxy group, proton chemical shift Methyl fluoride chemical shifts, proton Methyl protons, chemical shift Methylene protons chemical shift Monosaccharides protonation shifts Nitromethane proton chemical shifts Nitrothiazoles, chemical shift, proton Nomenclature proton chemical shifts Nuclear magnetic resonance proton shifts ORRELATING PROTON CHEMICAL SHIFTS WITH MOLECULAR STRUCTURE Olefinic protons chemical shifts Organic compounds characteristic proton chemical shifts Phosphine protonation shifts Poly base proton chemical shifts Proton (H) Chemical Shifts Proton Chemical Shifts and Structure Proton NMR Chemical Shifts for Characteristic Organic Proton NMR chemical shift Proton NMR shifts Proton chemical shift anisotropy Proton chemical shift data Proton chemical shift spin-diffusion observation Proton chemical shift values Proton chemical shift values Appendix Proton chemical shift, assignments Proton chemical shifts additivity rules Proton chemical shifts of compound Proton chemical shifts of reference compounds Proton chemical shifts polypeptides Proton chemical shifts structural-reporter groups Proton chemical shifts table Proton isotropic shifts, ring Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy chemical shift Proton shift data, room-temperature Proton-shift tautomerism Proton-shift tautomerism, also Protonation shifts Protonation shifts Protons chemical shifts for Protons, carbon-attached, chemical shift Protons, carbon-attached, chemical shift values Pyridines protonation shifts Ring-current shifted proton resonances Shift a-proton Shift correlation, heteronuclear proton-detected Shift for / -protons Shift for a-protons Shift ring proton Solvents, effect on proton chemical shifts Some Aspects of Proton Chemical Shifts Spectroscopy proton chemical shifts Structure characteristic proton chemical shifts Tetramethylsilane, proton chemical shifts The Effect of Fluorine Substituents on Proton Chemical Shifts Two-Dimensional Carbon-Proton Shift Correlation Two-dimensional carbon-proton shift correlation via long-range CH coupling Two-dimensional carbon-proton shift correlation via one-bond CH coupling Using NMR Spectra to Analyze Molecular Structure The Proton Chemical Shift Vinylic proton, chemical shift