SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Acetone, atom polarization Alternating polarity of atoms in valence bond structures Atomic Polar Tensors (APT) Atomic Polar Tensors Under Coordinate Transformation Atomic Polar Tensors — Examples of Application Atomic deformation polarization Atomic dipolar polarizations Atomic polar tensor charges Atomic polar tensor definition Atomic polar tensor model Atomic polar tensors Atomic polar tensors (dipole moment Atomic polar tensors , nuclear Atomic polarization, static electric fields Atomic structure polarized covalent Basis sets atomic polar tensors /dipole Benzene atom polarization Chlorine atoms polarity Diethyl ether, atom polarization Dioxan, atom polarization Effective Bond Charges from Rotation-Free Atomic Polar Tensors Electrochemical polarization solid metal atoms Ethyl alcohol, atom polarization General Classification of Negatively Polarized Hydrogen Atoms as Proton-Accepting Sites Basicity Factors Generalized atomic polar tensor charges Generalized atomic polar tensor population Generalized atomic polar tensor, Hydrogen atom abstraction polarization Hydrogen atom transfer polar effects Intra-atomic polarization Invariants of atomic polar tensors Ligand polar atom Methyl alcohol, atom polarization Nitrobenzene, atom polarization Polar Bond, Effective Charges of Atoms Polar Cycloadditions in Which the Electrophilic System Contains Two Atoms of an Aromatic Ring Polar atoms Polar atoms Polar atoms solvation structures Polar effects in hydrogen atom transfer Polarization of atoms Polarization types Atomic Polarization, atoms Polarization, atoms Polarized Atoms Polarized Atoms Predictions of Infrared Intensities by Transferring Atomic Polar Tensors Preparation of Spin Polarized Metastable Atoms Protons polarizing other atoms Pyridine atom polarization Relaxation time atomic polarization Rotation-free atomic polar tensor Sodium atoms polarized light Spin polarization atoms Symmetry Properties of Atomic Polar Tensors The atomic polar tensor (APT) model The atomic polarization Toluene atom polarization Vibrational atomic polar tensors Water, atom polarization