SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Addition of Nitrenes and Nitrenoids to Alkenes Addition of hydrogen to alkenes and alkynes catalytic hydrogenation Addition of metal hydrides to alkenes and alkynes Addition to alkenes and alkynes Addition to alkenes and aromatics An Introduction to Addition Reactions of Alkenes and Alkynes And electrophilic addition to alkenes Atom and radical addition to alkenes Catalysed Additions to Alkenes, Alkynes and Telomerisation Reactions E- and Z-alkenes can be made by stereoselective addition to alkynes Electrophilic Addition of Water to Alkenes and Alkynes Hydration Electrophilic addition of bromine and chlorine to alkenes Nucleophilic Addition to Alkenes and Alkynes Radical Addition of RCHO, ACOX and Related Compounds to Alkenes Radical Addition to Alkenes, Dienes, and Polyenes Radical-chain addition to alkenes and Radical-chain addition to alkenes and alkynes