SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Adiabatic electron wave function Adiabatic electronic wave functions Antisymmetric many-electron wave Antisymmetric many-electron wave function Antisymmetrized wave function, electronic Antisymmetrized wave function, electronic structure calculations Approximations to the Many-Electron Wave Function Atomic Many-Electron Wave Function and -Coupling Atomic models electron-wave model Basis Sets for Electronic Wave Functions Basis-Set Expansions of Relativistic Electronic Wave Functions Calculation of molecular electronic wave functions and energies Charge density waves . high electronic structure Coherent electron waves Conducting polymers electronic wave functions Continuous wave electron paramagnetic resonance Continuous-wave electron paramagnetic Continuous-wave electron spin resonance Continuous-wave electron spin resonance modes Continuous-wave electron spin resonance pulsed methods Coupled-cluster wave functions, derivatives electronic energy Cyclic Voltammetry of Fast Electron Transfers Nernstian Waves Definition of Electronic Charges from the Wave Function Determinantal wave function, electron nuclear Diabatic electron wave function ELECTRONS EXHIBIT WAVE PROPERTIES Electron Affinities and Half-Wave Reduction Potentials Electron Waves and Chemical Bonds Electron beam lithography waves Electron behaving as waves Electron configurations orbital wave functions Electron cyclotron wave resonance Electron densities wave function properties Electron particle-wave duality Electron self-energy partial wave renormalization Electron spherical wave model Electron standing waves Electron wave function Electron wave functions for two Electron wave nature Electron wave packet Electron wave structure Electron wave vector Electron wave-like properties Electron wave-mechanical picture Electron waves, refractive index Electron-density wave Electron-wave model Electronic absorption spectroscopy wave functions Electronic coupling, between donor and acceptor wave functions Electronic energy coupled-cluster waves functions Electronic energy wave functions Electronic single cyclic voltammetric wave Electronic states partial wave expansion Electronic states time-dependent wave functions Electronic structure augmented plane waves Electronic structure augmented spherical waves Electronic structure wave function description Electronic structure wave-function calculations Electronic transition, wave packet, nonadiabatic Electronic wave function Electronic wave function angular Electronic wave function anthracene Electronic wave function butadiene Electronic wave function determination Electronic wave function ethylene Electronic wave function for molecule Electronic wave function for the Electronic wave function for the H2 molecule Electronic wave function fundamental property Electronic wave function many-electron atoms Electronic wave function radial Electronic wave function symmetry properties Electronic wave function transferring electron Electronic wave function, permutational Electronic wave function, permutational symmetry Electronic wave functions Electron-repulsion potentials Electronic wave functions electrostatic energy Electronic wave functions electrostatic interactions Electronic wave functions of homonuclear diatomic molecules Electronic wave functions transitions Electronic wave functions, stationary Electronics lead-free wave soldering Electrons as waves Electrons plan wave Electrons wave character Electrons wave length Electrons wave properties Electrons wave theory Equivalence of the electronic wave function and electron density Fermions electronic wave functions Force constants from electronic wave functions Geometric phase effect electronic wave function Ground-state electronic wave function Ground-state wave function electronic Hamiltonian, spin-orbit Hartree-Fock wave functions multiple electronic states Homonuclear diatomic molecules electronic wave functions Homonuclear molecules, permutational electronic wave function Incident electron wave Irreducible representations electronic wave function Laser wave, evanescent, electron reflection Many-electron atoms wave function Many-electron atoms, radial wave functions Many-electron molecular wave functions Many-electron wave Many-electron wave functions Slater determinants Many-electron wave functions atomic orbitals approximation Many-electron wave functions the Hartree-Fock equation Many-electron wave functions, electronic structure Many-electron wave functions, electronic structure calculations Multi-determinant wave functions electron correlation methods Multiconfigurational wave function electron correlation N-electron wave function Nonlinear molecules electronic wave function Nuclear dynamics electronic wave function Photophysics electronic wave Plane-Wave Expansion - The Free-Electron Models Plasma Absorption and Reflection of Electromagnetic Waves Bouguer Law Critical Electron Density Point group symmetry electronic wave function Polarons electronic wave function Quasi-degenerate electronic wave functions Semiempirical wave functions electronic states Single-electron wave functions Solvated electron electronic wave function Spin waves electrons Square-wave voltammetry, first electronic Standing waves, electronic Symmetric properties electronic wave function Tensor Structure of the Many-Electron Hamiltonian and Wave Function Thouless determinantal wave function, electron Three-dimensional electron waves, crystals Two-electron wave Valence electron wave function Wave Function Electronic Structure Methods Wave Function for Many Electrons Wave Functions for Many-Electron Systems Wave Model of the Electron Wave Properties of Electrons in Orbitals Wave Theory of the Spin Electron Wave equation electronic Wave equation many-electron Wave function analysis electron density Wave function determination from electron density Wave function electron density from Wave function electron nuclear dynamics Wave function many-electron Wave function one-electron Wave function two electrons Wave function, electronic excited state Wave function, electronic total Wave function, electronic vibrational Wave functions, factoring into electronic Wave length of electrons Wave nature of electrons Wave nature of the electron Wave one electron Wave properties of electrons Wave theory of electrons Waves of Electrons in Three-Dimensional Space