SEARCH Articles Figures Tables About the spin moments Chain spin moment Conduction spin moment Disordered local moment , spin Disordered local moment , spin fluctuations Electron spin magnetic moment and angular momentum Electron spin resonance studies magnetic moments Elschner and A. Loidl, Electron-spin resonance on localized magnetic moments in metals High-spin complexes magnetic moments, 672 Induced-moment spin glass Magnetic moment Spin-only contribution Magnetic moment electron spin Magnetic moment of electron spin Magnetic moment of particles with spin Nuclear Spins, Moments, and Other Data Nuclear Spins, Moments, and Other Data Related to NMR Spectroscopy Nuclear spins and magnetic moments Nuclear spins and moments Nuclear spins and moments for all nuclides Nuclear spins and moments for important nuclei in NMR Paramagnetism spin magnetic moment Spectroscopy spin moments Spin and orbital contributions to the magnetic moment Spin angular moment Spin contribution to a magnetic moment Spin magnetic moment Spin moments, locked Spin, electron magnetic moment from Spin-only magnetic moment