SEARCH Articles Figures Tables 13C labelling studies Adhesive labels, microscopy study Affinity-labeling studies Antidepressants open-label study Antipsychotics open-label studies Asymmetric deuterium-labeling studies Benzilic acid labeling studies Clinical trials open-label studies Competitive studies, single labeling Deuterium labeling study Deuterium labelling studies Doubly labelling single protein molecules for FRET studies Fecal Balance Studies (Single Isotopic Label) From Labeling Studies to Applications Glutamate synthase labeling studies Halogenated labeling studies Isotope labeling studies Isotopic labeling studies Isotopic labelling studies Isotopic labelling studies addition reactions Isotopic labelling studies formation Isotopic labelling studies pyrolysis Isotopic labelling studies rearrangement Isotopic labelling studies ring opening Isotopic labelling studies synthesis Isotopic labelling use in biosynthetic studies Isotopically labelled mechanistic studies using Label Studies of Membranes Label comprehension studies Labeling studies 712 INDEX Labeling study medications/devices Labelling studies Labelling studies Lysozyme spin labeled study Myocardial studies, labeled fatty acids Nuclear spin-label studies O Labeling Study Olanzapine open-label studies Oligonucleotide Labelling, Conjugation and Affinity Studies Open-label studies Oxygen 19 labelling studies Pheromones labelling studies Photoaffinity labeling studies Radio-labeled binding studies Radio-labeled study results Spin-Label Studies of Heterogeneous Polymer Systems Study 2 Peeling Labels