SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Adsorption of polymers from melts Chain Scission Kinetics from Melting Composites from melts Crystal Growth from Undercooled Melt Crystal from the melt Crystal growth from melt Crystal growth from the melt Crystallisation from the melt Crystallization from a heterogeneous melt Crystallization from a melt Crystallization from melt Crystallization from oriented melts) Crystallization from the Melt State Crystallization from the melt Crystallization from the melt and growth of spherulites Crystallization of Much Longer Chains from the Melt Crystals Grown from the Melt and Lamellae Stacks Crystals from melt Devolatilization of Solvents from LLDPE Melt Solutions Direct Growth of Langasite from the Melt Electrodeposition of Ti from K2TiF6 in NaCl-KCl-NaF Melts Equilibrium melting temperature from Hoffman-Weeks plot Equilibrium melting temperature from small-molecule data FROM MELT FLOW INDEX TO RHEOGRAM Forms from the Melt From melt to room temperature From melts area distribution From melts mass distribution From melts nucleation From melts number distribution From melts objectives From melts phase equilibria From melts size distribution Gemstones from melts Glass transition estimation from melting point Growth Rate of Miscible Polymer Blend Spherulites Crystallized Isothermally from the Melt by Polarizing Optical Microscopy Growth Rate of Polymer Spherulites Crystallized Isothermally from the Melt by Polarizing Optical Microscopy Growth from High-Melting Solutions Growth from Melts and Solutions Growth from melt Growth from the Melt Growth of Polymer Crystals from Melt Growth of Single Crystals from the Melt Highly Crystalline Polymers from Melts Homogeneous nucleation from the bulk melt under elongational flow Manufacturing Parts from Melt-processible Fluoropolymers Melt crystallization from the bulk Melting Temperatures and Heats Under Transition from Bulk to Nanophases Melting temperature of networks formed from axially ordered chains Melting temperature of networks formed from random chains Melting temperature of networks formed from randomly arranged crystallites Morphology from melts Poly from melt Polyethylene crystallized from the melt Polymer Crystallization from the Melt Preparation from Melts Preparation of Polyamide-6,6 from Hexamethylenediammonium Adipate (AH-Salt) by Condensation in the Melt Preparation of Polymer Blends from the Melt Preparation of Polymer Films from the Melt Preparation of a Polyester from Ethylene Glycol and Dimethyl Terephthalate by Melt Condensation Pulling from the Melt Purification of halide ionic melts from oxide-ion admixtures Quartz, from melts RYSTALLIZATION FROM SOLUTIONS AND MELTS Radionuclides from the core melt - concrete interaction Recrystallisation from the melt Recrystallization from melts Recycling of filter dust and sludge (from EAF melting) Single crystal fibers from inviscid melts Solid-liquid equilibrium and nucleation from the melt Spherulitic crystallisation of polymers from the melt Synthesis from Melts Waste water from wet scrubbers used in cupola melting