SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Adsorption cross-flow systems Analytical section (flow and static systems Application to hydrogen oxidation in a flow system Approach flow system Aqueous systems, scintillation flow Arrested flow systems Atom-molecule reactions studied in flow systems the hydrogen halide system Automated flow system, with Balance for Deposition in a Flow System Biphasic flow system Blood analysis, continuous flow system Bound Enzymes in Continuous-Flow Systems Buoyancy-induced groundwater flow system Burial flow system Burial-induced groundwater flow system Business flow management system Calibration flow-injection analysis systems Cantilever flow-through system Catalysis flow system Cavitation flow systems Cell 7 liquid hydrogen flow system Cell-free translation continuous flow system Ceramic method flow system Channel flow systems Characterization of Mixing and Segregation in Homogeneous Flow Systems Circulating flow system Circulation flow system, measurement Circulation flow system, measurement reaction rate Circulatory system flow through Cold Flow Gas Binary Particle Mixture system Simulation Component balances flow system Continuous-flow analytical systems Continuous-flow analytical systems, diffusion Continuous-flow cell-free system Continuous-flow separation system Continuous-flow system Continuous-flow systems reactor time Continuous-flow systems sizing Continuous-flow systems, with closed extraction Continuously-flowing systems Convection flow systems Copper flow system Counter flow system Countercurrent bulk flow of two phases system type Cross-flow microfiltration systems Cross-flow system, direct membrane Cross-flow ultrafiltration system Cutaneous blood flow systemic absorption Design of Flow Systems Development of separation in countercurrent flow systems Digestion flow systems, microwave Discharge flow system Disperse system flow Dissolution testing flow-through systems Drainage system base flow Dry-feed entrained-flow systems Drying system, with flow characteristics Dynamic business flow management system Dynamic cross-flow filter systems Dynamic flow-through system Dynamic fractionation systems continuous-flow Effect of solids on relief system flow capacity Electrochemical Flow Deposition Systems Electrochemical Flow Immunoassay System Electrochemical flow systems Electrodes in Flow Systems Energy analysis, flowing particle-fluid system Energy balance steady-flow systems Energy flow to and from a system Enzyme electrode in flow systems Enzyme-Catalyzed Stereoselective Reactions in Continuous-Flow Systems Equations for Concentrations in Flow Systems Example Calculations for the Pipe-Flow System Experimental verification of flow mechanisms in layered systems Expert Flow Systems Expert system for multichannel flow Extending the Kinetic Theory of Granular Flow to Reactive Systems Exthalpy-flow exergy in open systems Fast-Flow Systems Feedback flow control system Filters, water injection systems flow rate Filtration perpendicular-flow systems Fission products separations in flow systems Fixed fuel-flow system Flow Calorimetry System Flow Conditions in the Disruption System Flow Distributor System Flow Properties of Pigmented Systems Flow Rate in an LCVD System Flow Rate preconcentration system Flow Reactor Systems Flow and Morphology of Two-Component Systems Flow basic system Flow cell system Flow comparison with static systems Flow control systems Flow in Hard Sphere Systems Flow injection analysis automated system, formaldehyde Flow injection analysis micro-systems Flow injection analysis system characterization Flow injection analysis system configuration Flow injection analysis system supervision Flow injection analysis systems Flow injection immunoassay system Flow injection inductively coupled plasma-emission spectrometry system Flow injection system using Flow injection systems Flow injection systems applications Flow injection systems atomic spectrometry Flow injection systems basics Flow injection systems capillary Flow injection systems capillary electrophoresis Flow injection systems coupled with atomic spectrometric Flow injection systems coupled with detectors Flow injection systems detectors Flow injection systems procedures Flow injection systems standardization Flow mixing systems Flow preconcentration systems Flow rate control system Flow rate system Flow reversals, groundwater systems Flow splitting system Flow system deposition Flow system design Flow system esters Flow system experiments Flow system hydrazines Flow system preliminary design Flow system steady-state, pressure Flow systems, afterglow techniques Flow systems, and Flow systems, kinetic measurements Flow systems, kinetic measurements apparatus Flow systems, kinetic measurements difficulties Flow systems, operation Flow systems, reaction kinetics Flow systems, venturi Flow-injection analysis detection systems Flow-injection analysis propelling systems Flow-injection analysis system, schematic Flow-microreactor-system-controlled Flow-microreactor-system-controlled polymerization Flow-system design procedure Flow-system fluorination Flow-through reactor system Flow-through system Flow-through systems, definition Flowing Versus Stagnant Systems - Achieving Spatial, Temporal, and Mechanistic Resolution Flowing afterglow system Flowing gaseous systems Flowing systems 83 Flowing systems 83 Flowing systems, pressures Flowing systems, pressures fluctuation) Flowing systems, protein adsorption Flows in Kinetic Systems Fluid flow, multiphase systems Fluid flow, multiphase systems chemically reactive flows Fluid flow, multiphase systems patterns Fluid-particle system flow, phase diagrams Fouling system, tangential flow Fouling system, tangential flow filtration Freezing from flowing systems Fuel Flow-Through System Fuel-Flow System Fuel-flow control system Further models of flow-mixing systems Future developments system flow Gas-flow control system Graphical representation of signals provided by flow systems Gravitational flow through system Gravity-induced groundwater flow system Groundwater flow system Groundwater systems flow regimes Halogen Emission in Flow Discharge Systems Heat Flow in the Cooking System Heat Flows in LNG and LPG Cryogenic Storage Systems at 1 Bar Heat flow linear systems Heat flow radial systems Heat-flow based systems Heterogeneous flow injection system Hybrid membrane systems process flow Hydraulic systems flow rate Hydrodynamic conditions resulting from interactions of different groundwater flow systems Ideal Flow Systems Information flow, biological systems Instances of Extraction Systems and Devices Using Parallel Flow Integrated flow microreactor systems Interaction of groundwater flow systems Internal heat flow in an isolated system Karstic Systems Paths of Preferred Flow Kinetic studies, experimental methods flow systems LCVD system, flow rate Laminar flow in the pressure relief system Linear flow system Local groundwater flow systems Measurements in flow systems Micro flow system Microfluidic flow system Microscale flow system Mobility measurements, basic flow system Modeling The Probabilities in Flow Systems Modeling of Combustion Reactions in Flowing Systems with Transport Multiple flow control systems Multipumping flow systems NMR Spectroscopy in Flowing Systems No-Flow Batch System Non-choked fuel-flow system Operating points flow systems Optimization of Pumping Rates in the Through-Flow System Overpumping Policy The Through-Flow Systems Oxidation of carbon monoxide in flames and other high temperature flow systems Particle—fluid flow system Phenolic compounds flow injection systems Plug Flow-Perfectly Mixed Reactor Systems Polycondensation Using Flow Microreactor Systems Possible model assumptions for two-phase flow in relief systems Potentiometric sensors in flow systems Predicting the Striation Thickness in a Couette Flow System - Shear Thinning Model Pressure Measurement and the Flow System Protein flowing systems Pulse flow system Racemic continuous flow system Rapid-scanning stopped-flow system, Redox flow battery system Redox flow cell system Redox flow systems Refrigerant system, process flow Refrigeration systems process flow Regional groundwater flow systems Renal system blood flow Reverse Osmosis System Flow Rating Reverse production systems material flows Reynolds numbers, flow systems Ring-Opening Polymerization Using Flow Microreactor Systems Sample introduction systems flow injection analysis Sensor systems flow measurements Skill 11.1c-Diagram the direction of heat flow in a system Slurry Flow System Solvent delivery systems flow controllers Solvent delivery systems flow reproducibility Some comments on estimating parameters in flow-mixing systems Special LDA-Systems for Two-Phase Flow Studies Split flow system Split injection/flow system Spray system flow diagram Stagnation point flow systems Steady-state flow systems Stereoselective Reactions in Continuous Flow Systems Stirred flow system Stoichiometry flow systems Stopped-flow high pressure system Stopped-flow system Stopped-flow system for Surface-Directed Capillary Flow Systems System 1 Flow Dynamics of Gas-Liquid-Solid Fluidized Beds System available-energy flows System development information flows System energy flow System energy flow to and from System geometry, multiphase flow System safety program process flow Systems Flow Chart Tangential flow filtration system Tangential-flow ultrafiltration system The Smoluchowski equation for a system in macroscopic flow Thermal behavior in flow systems Through-Flow Systems Unconfined and Confined Transient Regime in a System of Flow Reactors Tubular systems flow patterns Turbulent—laminar flow system Unsteady Flow Systems VERTICAL FLOW SYSTEMS Vacuum system, glass flow Vacuum systems flow characteristics Variable fuel-flow system Water injection systems flow rate