SEARCH Articles Figures Tables 2- Butanol diastereotopic hydrogens Carbon chemical diastereotopic effects Diastereoselectivity diastereotopic face selectivity Diastereoselectivity diastereotopic group selectivity Diastereotop Diastereotopic Diastereotopic Compounds Diastereotopic Hydrogens are Not Chemically Equivalent Diastereotopic atoms Diastereotopic atoms or groups Diastereotopic atoms/groups Diastereotopic face discrimination Diastereotopic faces Diastereotopic fluorines Diastereotopic groups Diastereotopic groups, definition Diastereotopic hydrogens Diastereotopic ligands Diastereotopic methylene protons Diastereotopic molecules Diastereotopic nuclei Diastereotopic pair Diastereotopic pair ring chirality Diastereotopic protons Diastereotopic protons, enantiotopization Diastereotopic shifts Diastereotopic sites Diastereotopic substituents Diastereotopic surfaces Diastereotopic, and the Diastereotopic, defined Diastereotopic, definition Diastereotopicity Diastereotopism, proton magnetic resonance Discrimination of Enantiotopic or Diastereotopic Carbonyl Groups Electrophilic Attack on Open-Chain Double Bonds with Diastereotopic Faces Enantiotopic and Diastereotopic Protons Homotopic, Enantiotopic, and Diastereotopic Homotopic, Enantiotopic, and Diastereotopic Nuclei Homotopic, Enantiotopic, and Diastereotopic Systems Hydrogens diastereotopic. nonequivalence Methylene group, diastereotopicity Methylenes, diastereotopic NMR spectroscopy diastereotopic protons Nuclear magnetic resonance diastereotopic protons and Spectra of Diastereotopic Systems Transition diastereotopic Trigonal molecules diastereotopic atoms