SEARCH Articles Figures Tables Absorption frequency dependence function Activation Energy and Preexponential Factor Dependence on Work Function Adiabatic time dependent density functional theory Angle-dependent functions Atoms time-dependent wave functions Autocorrelation function, time-dependent Basic Concept of Orbital-Dependent Functionals Basis functions field dependent Basis functions, energy-dependent Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases function Conformation-dependent value functions Correlation function time-dependent Coupled cluster wave function time dependent Curves with functional dependency Cytochrome P-450-dependent mixed function Density function theory spin-dependent properties Density function theory time-dependent calculations Density functional theory magnetization-dependent form Density functional theory methods time-dependent extension Density functional theory orbital-dependent Dependence of the Gibbs Function on External Field Dependent variable from mathematical function Dielectric function wave-vector-dependence Displacement correlation function time-dependent Distance-dependent dielectric functions Distance-dependent function Distribution function, time dependent Electronic states time-dependent wave functions Equation temperature-dependent function Excited States from Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Fokker-Planck equation time-dependent distribution function Free energy functionals time-dependent component Frequency dependence time correlation function Frequency dependent dielectric function Function calcium-dependent Function chain length dependence Functional dependencies Functional group reaction dependence Functions path-dependent Gradient dependent functionals Gradient-Dependent Density Functionals How an Organic Compound Reacts Depends on its Functional Group Hydrogen atom time-dependent wave functions INDEX current-dependent functionals Linear dependence of basis functions Linearly dependent functions Lorentzian function, energy-dependent Maxwell relationship temperature-dependent function Metallic clusters time-dependent density functional Microsomal cytochrome dependent mixed-function oxidase Mixed function oxidases, P450 dependent Molar density functional dependence Molecular function time-dependent Schrodinger equation Motivation for Orbital-Dependent Functionals Optimal wave function, dependence Orbital-Dependent Exchange-Correlation Functional Orbital-dependent functionals Orientational distribution functions particle size dependence Pair correlation function time-dependent Pair distribution function time dependent Parameter-dependent basis functions Photochemistry functional theory, time-dependent Polarization dependent density functional Polarization dependent density functional structures Position-dependent rate Potential energy functions Preference functions dependence Quantum mechanics time-dependent density functional theory Response function theory frequency-dependent Schrodinger equation time-dependent wave function Selectivity-functional group dependency Semi-empirical Orbital-Dependent Exchange-Correlation Functionals Single-reference methods time-dependent density functional Size-dependent potential energy function Size-dependent potential energy function results Spatial correlation function time dependent Spectral function absorption frequency dependence Strain dependent damping function Structure, dependence network functionality Temperature Dependence of the Viscoelastic Functions The Concept that Learning Is a Cortical Enhancer Regulation Dependent Function The Pair Density. Orbital-dependent Exchange-correlation Functionals The Time-dependent Function Time dependent density functional theory properties Time dependent dielectric function Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory TDFT) Time-Dependent Friction Function Exact Expression Time-dependent Density-functional Response Theory (TD-DFRT) Time-dependent basis functions Time-dependent current density functional Time-dependent current density functional theory Time-dependent density functional Time-dependent density functional interacting electrons Time-dependent density functional linear response Time-dependent density functional response Time-dependent density functional response theory Time-dependent density functional theory Time-dependent density functional theory TD-DFT) Time-dependent density functional theory TDDFT) Time-dependent density functional theory TDDFT) method Time-dependent density functional theory computational aspects Time-dependent density functional theory derivation Time-dependent density functional theory developments Time-dependent density functional theory effective potential Time-dependent density functional theory electronic excitations Time-dependent density functional theory exact exchange Time-dependent density functional theory function Time-dependent density functional theory kernel Time-dependent density functional theory kinetic energy Time-dependent density functional theory linear response Time-dependent density functional theory many-body system Time-dependent density functional theory other forms Time-dependent density functional theory performance Time-dependent density functional theory solutions Time-dependent density functional theory. See Time-dependent distribution function, stochastic Time-dependent electron localization function Time-dependent equation wave function propagation Time-dependent nuclear wave function Time-dependent orbital functional theory (TOFT) Time-dependent polarization functions Time-dependent response functions Time-dependent wave function Variables functional dependence Voltage dependent function Wave function phase-isolated, time-dependent Wave function time-dependant Wave function time-dependent variational principle